Harriett Richens, of Cocolalla, Idaho, came to after years of dealing with a painful hip. Raised on a farm in Wyoming, Harriett loves to garden and work outside, activities that are unforgiving to an injured hip.
“If I would have waited much longer, I don’t think I would have been able to walk,” Harriett said. “My co-workers actually started pushing me around in my office chair because it hurt to walk more than a few steps.”
Harriett’s daughter, Sandy, a medical assistant at Kootenai Clinic Orthopedics in Post Falls, urged her to see orthopedic surgeon , before her hip worsened.
“About six hours after my surgery, they had me up walking around with very little pain,” she said. “Everyone I saw was very kind and helpful, and explained everything very well.”
Harriett spent the three weeks following her surgery in Post Falls with Sandy, allowing her to be closer to her physical therapist and get extra support while she recovered.
“Harriett responded very well to the procedure,” Dr. Bowen said. “She is a mentally strong person, and that definitely helped her to recover quickly.”
Within four weeks, Harriett was back home with an exercise regimen provided by her physical therapist. She felt good enough to return to work.
“I have nothing but good things to say about my experience with Dr. Bowen and the staff at the hospital,” she said. “I’m looking forward to getting back out in the garden this year.”